Apparel for the true patriots of America
Apparel for the true
patriots of America
Those of us at True Patriot believe that truly patriotic values are founded on the belief that every individual has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These values embrace the diversity and differences that make our country great and strive to create a society that is inclusive and fair for all people.
At the heart of these values is the idea that every person should have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. This means advocating for policies that ensure access to quality education, healthcare, and other essential services for all Americans. It also means fighting for the rights and dignity of marginalized groups and working to address systems of oppression and inequality. We proudly stand with and support the BIPOC and LGTBQ+ communities.
Through the True Patriot brand, we aim to expose hypocrisy in far-right fascist political views by holding a mirror up to those who harbor them, and exhibit how their “values” are not only completely unpatriotic, but often go against their claimed religious values and would even be considered to be downright blasphemous according to their own book.
That being said, with a commitment to exposing hypocrisy and transparency, there are subjects and topics that will emerge with True Patriot that should be discussed. The first subject being regarding the Founding Fathers. We at True Patriot acknowledge the hypocrisy of these men being known for freedom, while being slave owners and advocates for a country that was built of off stolen land. Even Alexander Hamilton was quoted for saying, “Who talks most about freedom and equality? Is it not those who hold the bill of rights in one hand and a whip for affrighted slaves in the other?”
There will most certainly be societal norms of today that will be seen as barbaric in the future, and given this, we believe it is crucial to consider widely accepted values of the given era, and the significance of taking bold and progressive actions that challenged the status quo and promoted positive change in society. While we know that not everyone may agree with their beliefs and tactics, we do believe that it is important to recognize the progressive nature all of the individuals in question for that era, and how they made a significant impact in the pursuit of freedom for both the people and the planet.